PCC Ministry Team Banner
Christ Church P.C.C.

(Parochial Church Council.)

The principal function of a PCC is to "promote within the parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical."  PCC members have significant responsibilities for the local mission of the Church, and effective team working lies at the heart of any successful PCC.  Members can make a real difference to their local church; to its aims & direction, its mission & vision, finances & the employment of any staff.
PCC's have been recognised as charities for many years.  PCC members are also  recognised as trustees and this should be seen as a positive thing.  Trusteeship recognises that we, as members, have accepted a particular responsibility for this.
God gives to all the responsibility of stewardship for that which He has entrusted to us.  As a local Church community and as a PCC, we are stewards of both the mission of the Church within the community & of the resources available to the Church.

An Effective P.C.C...

1. Is clear about its purposes, mission & values, and uses them to direct all aspects of its work.  PCC members always act in the best interests of the PCC, making balanced and adequately informed decisions, and thinking about the long term as well as the short term.
2. Has adopted structures, policies & procedures which enable it to achieve its mission & aims & meet its objectives efficiently.
3. Sees sound governance as an important part of its stewardship.  It has appropriate procedures in place and manages any conflicts of interest appropriately.
4.  Manages & uses its resources (including finance, skills, knowledge, experience & assets) so as to achieve its potential.  It plans & budgets effectively, including periodic review. 
5.  Views accountability & transparency as key values, & recognises that it is accountable to wider constituents.  It communicates effectively, explaining its activities & decisions in an open & transparent way whilst maintaining confidentiality where appropriate.
6.  Is flexible enough to adapt to change appropriately.  Avoiding complacency, the effective PCC  will want to increase its effectiveness in meeting its core objective of promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church.
7.  Acts with integrity, & in accordance with its values.

(All information above from Church of England website.)

As a P.C.C. here at Christ Church Stamford, we meet once a month (except August & December) and have an Away Day 1-2 times a year. Away Days are done together with our Ministry Team to continue our vision for the Church going forward.


Ministry Team.

Ministry teams are more than just a group of volunteers who “get things done”. They are the heart and soul of the church and offer a wonderful opportunity for others to serve the Lord with their talents. A strong ministry team also keeps a church healthy.
A church's ministry team is a group of volunteers who work together to serve the church and fulfil its mission: 
  • Develop relationships: Ministry teams help build relationships between the Church and God's people. 

  • Strengthen the mission: Ministry teams work to further the Church's mission and build the kingdom of God. 

  • Encourage spiritual growth: Ministry teams encourage spiritual growth and serve others. 

  • Develop leaders: Ministry teams can help develop Christian leaders. 

  • Meet the needs of others: Ministry teams work alongside pastors and staff to meet the needs of others. 

  • Fulfil the Great Commission: Ministry teams work to declare the gospel, baptize new believers, and disciple Christians.

    A church's ministry teams are groups of people who work together to achieve a shared vision and accomplish goals: 

    • Purpose
      Ministry teams work to expand the church's ministries and meet the needs of others. 
    • Collaboration
      Team members share responsibilities, leadership roles, and the workload. 
    • Fellowship
      Team members enjoy fellowship with one another and support and minister to each other. 
    • Connection
      Team members understand how their work connects to the church's overall vision. 
    Some characteristics of an effective ministry team include:
    • Calling: A confidence in God's calling and equipping
    • Character: Moral integrity and a serious work ethic
    • Connectedness: A cohesive team that seeks the good of the team

    Here at Christ Church Stamford, our Ministry Team meets once a month throughout the year.