Regular Events:
We have lots going on during the week, as well as our Sunday Services.
Our Start-a-Fresh group runs on Fridays.
Communitea Plus runs on a Wednesday. ☕🍽
Tots 'n' Toast is on Thursday mornings (term time only). 👶
We have
'The Den' open on Thursday evening for children Y6-Y10. (Term-time only). 🎮 🪡 🏓
Ukrainian Drama Group takes place on Saturday afternoons. 🗣
Slimming World takes place on Tuesday evenings & Wednesday mornings. 🥗
C.A (Cocaine Anonymous). takes place on Monday evenings in the basement.
Every Easter we have our
Easter Sunday service! 🐰✝
We host a yearly
Harvest Festival, where we donate any food-stuffs given to Stamford Food Bank (details to follow shortly). 🥕
Every year we hold a
Remembrance Sunday service. 🌹
There is also our annual
Christmas Fayre at the beginning of December. 🎅
We will also have our
Annual Christingle Service in early December (details to follow). 🍊🎆
Brownies & Guides also take place on Mondays & Fridays. ☘